Farhad Rezazadeh received the Ph.D. degree (Excellent Cum Laude) in Signal Theory and Communications from Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain under the supervision of Prof. Christos Verikoukis and with the tutoring of Prof. Luis Alonso. He is currently a Researcher (Senior Applied AI Engineer) in the Services as NetworkS (SaS) Research Unit at the Telecommunications Technological Center of Catalonia (CTTC), Barcelona, Spain. Prior to his current role, he contributed as a Research Assistant at the Advanced Broadband Communications Center (CCABA), under the esteemed guidance of Prof. Josep Solé-Pareta. He participated in 8 European and National 5G/B5G/6G R&D projects with leading and technical tasks in the areas of Applied AI and XAI. His AI innovation in B5G/6G resource allocation was recognized as a great EU-funded Innovation by the European Commission’s Innovation Radar. He was awarded the first patent connected to the H2020 5G-SOLUTIONS project. He was a secondee at NEC Lab Europe under the supervision of Prof. Xavier Costa-Pérez and had scientific missions at Technical University of Munich (TUM), Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH-School), and Universitat de Girona (UdG). He is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Ph.D. grantee and won 5 different IEEE/IEEE ComSoc grants, 2 European Cooperation in Science and Technology grants, and a Catalan Government Ph.D. grant. He is an active member of IEEE Young Professionals and IEEE Spain - Technical Activities and Standards with more than 29 top-tier journals/conferences and book chapters. He has over 150 verified reviews for peer-reviewed publications. He serves as Organizing, Chair, Reviewer, and TPC member in IEEE and Guest Editor in Elsevier. He is an ACM Professional Member and coordinates the IEEE Trustworthy Internet of Things (TRUST-IoT) working group.

Research Interests

  • Applied AI [eXplainable AI (eXplainable Reinforcement Learning), Neuro-Symbolic AI (Neuro-Symbolic Reinforcement Learning), Genertaive AI (Generative Reinforcement Learning, Multi-Agent LLM), Quantum AI (Quantum Reinforcement Learning), Graph Neural Network (GNN-Reinforcement Learning), Lifelong RL (Federated, Distributed, Meta Learning), and MLOps (Reinforcement Learning)]
  • 5G/6G [Open 5G/6G, Zero-Touch, Softwarization, Cloudification, Wireless Communications, Massive Network Slicing, 6G Verticals and Services, MEC, O-RAN-xAPPs, and Smart Grid]


  • [Oct. 14, 2024] Invited as Reviewer Committee Members for the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Next Generation Networks (ICNGN), 2024.
  • [Oct. 09, 2024] Invited as Reviewer for Computers Journal, 2024.
  • [Oct. 04, 2024] Invited as Reviewer for Computational Economics Journal, 2024.
  • [Oct. 02, 2024] Invited as Reviewer for Electronics Journal, 2024.
  • [Oct. 01, 2024] Invited as Reviewer for Future Internet Journal, 2024.
  • [Sep. 21, 2024] Invited as Speaker for the IEEE Future Networks AIML, 2024.
  • [Sep 20, 2024] Our journal paper, entitled ‘Toward Explainable Reasoning in 6G: A Proof of Concept Study on Radio Resource Allocation’, has been accepted at IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.
  • [Sep 20, 2024] Our demo paper, entitled ‘GenOnet: Generative Open xG Network Simulation with Multi-Agent LLM and ns-3’, has been accepted at 3rd International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet 2024).
  • [Sep 16, 2024] Invited as Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024.
  • [Sep 06, 2024] Invited as Reviewer for Entropy Journal, 2024.
  • [Aug 23, 2024] Invited as Reviewer for Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 2024.
  • [Aug 12, 2024] Invited as TPC member of International Conference on Computer Sciences, Engineering, and Technology Innovation (ICoCSETI), 2025.
  • [Aug 08, 2024] Invited as TPC member of 34th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IEEE-ICCCN 2025), 2024.
  • [July 20, 2024] Invited as Reviewer of Computational Economics Journal, 2024.
  • [July 09, 2024] Invited as Program Committee Member of International Symposium on Parallel Computing and Distributed Systems (IEEE-PCDS2024), 2024.
  • [June 25, 2024] Our paper, entitled ‘Intelligible Protocol Learning for Resource Allocation in 6G O-RAN Slicing’, has been accepted at IEEE Wireless Communications.
  • [June 21, 2024] Invited as Reviewer of Physical Communication Journal, 2024.
  • [June 04, 2024] Invited as Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2024.
  • [June 01, 2024] Invited as Reviewer of IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2024.
  • [May 07, 2024] Invited as TPC member of 2nd International Conference on AI-generated Content (AIGC 2024), 2024.
  • [Apr 17, 2024] Invited as a book reviewer in the Neuro-symbolic AI area for Wiley-IEEE Press, 2024.
  • [Feb 26-28, 2024] Presented live demo on ‘Explainable Graph Reinforcement Learning’ at Mobile world Congress (MWC), 2024.
  • [Feb 26, 2024] Invited as TPC member of 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Smart Systems (ICSCSS 2024), 2024.
  • [Feb 22, 2024] Our paper, entitled ‘A Novel Approach for Scalable and Sustainable 6G Networks’, has been accepted at IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.
  • [Feb 12, 2024] Our workshop proposal, entitled ‘Explainable and Responsible AI/GenAI for 6G Networks (6GBRAIN)’, has been accepted at IEEE Meditcom 2024.
  • [Feb 04, 2024] Our paper, entitled ‘Decentralized Energy Marketplace via NFTs and AI-based Agents,’ has been accepted for presentation at IEEE ENERGYCON 2024.
  • [Jan 18, 2024] Invited as TPC member of 2024 EuCNC & 6G Summit, 2024.
  • [Dec 28, 2023] Invited Speaker at 3rd International Forum on Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2024.
  • [Dec 20, 2023] Awarded IEEE ComSoc Student Grant for 2023 IEEE NFV-SDN.
  • [Oct 20, 2023] Our AI innovation in B5G/6G resource allocation was recognized as a great EU-funded Innovation by the European Commission’s Innovation Radar. [Access Link]

Book Chapter